
June 17, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I love June.

The hydrangeas are blooming in my flower garden. I love hydrangeas. And the ivy geranium that I transplanted in the back there is coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself. I love ivy geranium.

And let's peek at the vegetable garden.

Would ya take a look at the zucchini plant. I have two of these this year.

And here's the yellow squash. It's growing big. I have two of these, too.

Can't forget the pumpkins for Halloween. I think we'll have at least 4 on this 'in. (I love sayin' this 'in. Mr. CHiPy says it when he talks fast).

Oh, and the red onions are coming up. These are so good! {{Squeal}}

Here are the eggplants that Mr. CHiPy and Little-Big Girl planted for me. Remember?

In case you didn't's a reminder. See, they planted them for me.

Ooh...the pole beans are clamoring up the pole. Just like I trained them to do. I'm good like that.

And the grand finale...TADAH!

TOMATOES! 17 plants that came up as shoots in the garden this year. They are the babies of the two mama plants that I had in the garden last year. Little man transplanted them for me because he knows how to do things like that, remember? I knew you did.

I love June.