
December 9, 2009

Update on My Dad

It must be our Christmas miracle because my dad is slowly pulling through. When we arrived in So. Cal. the prognosis was very grim and everyone had already said their goodbyes. It was heartbreaking.

But dad's a former marine and a real trooper and he said he wasn't ready to go...not just yet. When I was with him in CCU, I rubbed his feet with lotion just like I did when I was 10 years old. Dad would pay me $1.00 to rub his feet and scratch his back...and I was happy to oblige. He's now in a rehabilitation hospital for some time but he is getting better.

It was so hard for me to leave him and return back home last night, but dad said to go on home and take care of things so that I could return to him again.

It's hard to describe my feelings but I think this picture sums it up for me...

...'til we meet again. I love you, dad.