March 1, 2012

Bedroom Furniture Finds - Craigslist baby!

I love a good inspiration piece.  Love, love, love it.  When I saw this before and after, I knew I needed to find a quality piece of furniture at an excellent price.  I figured something similar would work out great for Allie's bedroom re-do. 

To me, the trick to finding quality furniture at an excellent price is to search  Once I find what I'm looking for, I act fast.  Really fast.  I see it.  I email or call about it. I go check it out and if the price and quality are stellar, I purchase it and bring it home. The payoff is totally worth it.

So when I saw this circa 1970's 5 piece French Provincial set at 11:00am, I knew it would be mine.  It was in my garage by 2pm.  How's that for fast?

The set will go into Allie's bedroom with her new decor.  Now all this furniture needs is a coat of primer and a couple of coats of white paint to look like the inspiration piece above.

I ended up with five pieces of bedroom furniture in excellent condition.  Purchased for $90. 
That's my kind of STEAL!
Oh, and the nice lady also threw in a bookcase for my son's room

Off to Home Depot I go for more primer and paint and possibly new hardware